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Adidas Sport Spaces

Brand campaigns are a dime a dozen - especially in the sportswear category - where manufacturers like Nike, Adidas and Under Armor have learned that big, bold and disruptive brand campaigns capture attention and tap into the cultural zeitgeist.

They eschew main stream product-first campaigns for emotive brand campaigns designed to empower the wearer. For this brand campaign, Adidas wanted to edge it's way into the ESG space. They had identified that space for sport in urban environments was dwindling at an alarming rate.


They wanted us to conceptualise a low-cost-high-impact brand campaign that would let them appear to be the guardians of urban sport spaces - which are declining at a worrying pace.

Big Idea

It wasn't enough to use the usual media channels to shout about the necessity of urban sport spaces. We thought long and hard about what space in urban environments is plentiful - the answer was advertising space. So we repurposed advertising billboards into interactive spaces for sport via 'special builds'...

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Geo-Targeted OOH

We followed up the special builds with a series of OOH ads that promoted the importance of space for sport using personal stories of remarkable individuals who benefited from the space. These were based on real spaces around major European cities and were geographically rolled out close to the spaces themselves.

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Social - Space Stories

When it came to social, the content focused on deep-dives into the personal stories featured in the OOH. This way, we would be able to explain the importance of spaces for sport, without seeming self-serving in promoting what we’re doing to safeguard these spaces.

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