Alias Travel
Alias, a top-secret travel arrangements business whose clientele are celebrities and famous musicians was in need of a rebrand. They had grown their customer base through word of mouth. But now they needed a brand refresh as cool as their customers.
The big problem was what we've called: 'The Alias Paradox' - Alias offers anonymity, and therefore needs to keep a low profile. But at the same time, Alias needs to advertise its services to broaden its customer base. Therefore, we needed to find a way to rebrand and advertise Alias that boosted its fame without breaking the first rule of Alias: Don't talk about Alias.
Big Idea
When privacy is the ultimate luxury, no-one makes it easier to find than Alias.
Creative Solution
Our brand's embodies 'the power of privacy'. We saw immense creative potential in creating a stand-out brand by redacting all of Alias's brand assets

HEX #301832


HEX #1604E4

HEX #DE5631

Redacted Photography
Our carefully curated (and commissioned) photographs for Alias embrace a 90's-inspired luxury fashion feel - coupled with the art of 'obscuration'.
We intentionally obscure the models faces to give them a sense of mystique and continue to land the brand promise of anonymity.
Website & Launch Pack
We extended the Alias rebrand onto the web, where we created several different versions of the landing page so customers would never see the same thing twice. A launch pack consisted of pamper essentials and a partnership with Rimowa suitcases.

The guys have been absolutely brilliant and they've created a phenomenal brand that will not only help us grow, but will also stand the test of time for our discerning audience.
Ben Yefet
Alias Founder
We launched the brand at the hottest event of the Summer
The brand was unveiled (so to speak) at en exclusive launch party for Dre and Snoops new brand - Gin & Juice. The pair even got on stage to rap with Eminem - a once in a lifetime performance. The Alias brand was all over the invites and featured in prominent locations around the event.
